In 1998, Ralph and LeAnn Fry, along with six friends, formed Hope Unlimited with the purpose of helping people in need of comfort, encouragement, and hope. Their first project was to come alongside couples who were needing to replenish the vitality in their relationships and marriages.
Soon after moving to North Snohomish County, Ralph and LeAnn felt a need to actively support their community by putting Ralph's training as a fire and police chaplain to immediate use. In 2004, the leadership board of Hope Unlimited responded to the need for an emergency response chaplaincy. In 2005, Stanwood Camano Incident Support (SCIS) was established. Today, it has grown to include many area communities and is now known as Northwest Incident Support (NWIS).
From 2014-2018, the mission of Hope Unlimited expanded to reach the growing demographic of single-parent families. A new outreach, Single Family Life, became a reality. Dozens of parents received encouragement and training to ensure a healthy family dynamic.
In 2018, Hope Unlimited answered the call to help bring awareness and education for the prevention of human trafficking and modern-day slavery. Today, the Anti-Human Trafficking Initiative partners with schools, first responder agencies, and community groups to help keep our kids and teens safe.